Kadodé SIAM Flower of Salt

Kadodé SIAM Flower of Salt
Flower of Salt or Fleur de sel is the finest form of sea salt, beloved by top Chefs for it’s food enhancing properties.
The extraction of salt flowers is based on a natural process of concentration and evaporation until a thin, delicate crust of salt blossoms develops on the surface of seawater as it evaporates.
Only the intricate pyramidal crystals on the surface are harvested as Flower of Salt, those that precipitate to the bottom of the salt pan are used for lower grades of table salt. For every kilo of Flower of Salt, 30 kg of regular sea salt is produced.
There are only a few salt production sites in the world with the perfect weather conditions needed to produce a great Fleur de Sel. The saline pools of Kampot are located at the south of the Kingdom of Cambodia, on the Gulf of Thailand. The exceptionally sunny, dry conditions and slow, steady winds provide the perfect conditions for this exacting form of salt production .
Due to its delicate structure, the salt is painstakingly harvest by hand with special rakes, unwashed after harvest, unrefined and without additives. This marine harvesting technique gives SIAM Flower of Salt high levels of bio-available magnesium as well as calcium, potassium and its high salinity concentration guarantees that no bacteria can survive.
Kadodé SIAM Flower of Salt should be used after cooking to retain all its taste enhancing properties.